Discover timeless spiritual insights with Our Daily Homily, a devotional written by the renowned Baptist pastor and evangelist, Frederick Brotherton Meyer (1847–1929). Born in London, Meyer dedicated his life to spreading the Christian message through pastoral care, evangelistic tours, and crusades for social reform. His powerful sermons were shaped by his passion for the Higher Life movement, and his friendship with evangelist Dwight L. Moody brought him recognition across England and beyond.Each daily devotional in Our Daily Homily offers thoughtful reflections and biblical wisdom, perfect for deepening your faith and understanding of God’s word. Meyer’s engaging style and strong moral convictions resonate through his words, helping readers navigate the challenges of life with a renewed sense of hope and purpose.Start your day with spiritual nourishment and timeless teachings that have inspired generations. Download Our Daily Homily today for an enriching daily devotional experience.Our Daily Homily devotional is written by : Frederick Brotherton Meyer- 1847 - 1929 F. B. Meyer was a Baptist pastor and evangelist in England, born in London. He attended Brighton College and graduated from London University in 1869. He studied theology at Regents Park Baptist College. Meyer began pastoring churches in 1870. His first pastorate was at Pembroke Baptist Chapel in Liverpool. In 1872 he pastored Priory Street Baptist Church in York. While he was there he met the American evangelist Dwight L. Moody, whom he introduced to other churches in England. The two preachers became lifelong friends. In 1895 Meyer went to Christ Church in Lambeth. At the time only 100 people attended the church, but within two years over 2,000 were regularly attending. He stayed there for fifteen years, and then began a traveling to preach at conferences and evangelistic services. His evangelistic tours included South Africa and Asia. He also visited the United States and Canada several times. He spent the last few years of his life working as a pastor in Englands churches, but still made trips to North America, including one he made at age 80. Meyer was part of the Higher Life movement and preached often at the Keswick Convention. He was known as a crusader against immorality. He preached against drunkenness and prostitution. He is said to have brought about the closing of hundreds of saloons and brothels.